COGREENEU was funded from 20 March 2023 to 19 March 2025 by the European Union under the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme’s call for the promotion of citizen participation.

COGREENEU aims to involve citizens and communities in debates and actions related to our climate and environment by creating spaces for transnational activities, workshops and events where ideas and decisions on environmental sustainability can be put into practice. The results of the project are based on the SDGs framed in the 2030 Agenda. Intergenerational citizen participation is the key factor in including as many citizens as possible in the project, thus providing a plural, multicultural and diverse voice to address the major challenges emerging from the current climate situation. Only through the manifestation of citizens’ we can approach local decisions into a greener, more sustainable and resource-efficient future to be achieved.

The sector of youth has a fundamental role in all the process-building of the project. COGREENEU will aim to give a voice and encourage debate among young people, who, on the other hand, have been especially affected by the current COVID19 crisis and are looking for their own spaces for participation in society.

The main objectives which pursues this proposal are the following:

  • To build new local policies to be built up by citizens and youngsters as the main decision makers of the project.
  • Raise awareness and sensitise the young population about the European Green Deal and its role in the ecological transition of the EU;
  • Increase the civic responsibility of intergenerational citizens and their participation in issues related to the sustainable development of their cities;
  • Encourage the exchange of experiences and joint learning between the different participants from the different European cities, in order to formulate local strategies and actions on the European Green Deal and the ecological transition;
  • Contribute to disseminating and publicising European policies on the environment and climate change at local level, with particular emphasis on young Europeans.


From 12 to 15 June 2023, the first event of the COGREENEU project, funded by the European Union under the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme’s call for the promotion of citizen participation, took place. This event marked an exciting starting point for an initiative to address the challenges of climate change and sustainability in Europe.

This first event, under the name ‘Multicultural workshop about European Green Deal and sustainability in Europe‘, took place in Alcoi, Spain, and was the central activity of the international meeting of the COGREENEU project partners held in the lead country of this consortium formed by entities from 6 different countries: Cyprus, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and the hosts. As mentioned above, the event was organised by the consortium leader, ASEID, and its main objective was to promote multicultural inclusion and raise awareness of the European Green Pact and sustainability in Europe.

During the workshop, the experts who participated in the morning debate led working groups on three themes: Agenda 2030, Green Pact and Sustainable Mobility, and Green Pact and Inclusive Transition. Active participation of participants was encouraged, who from a local perspective generated ideas and projects to address the challenges identified.


The second international meeting was held in KaunasLithuania, from 23 to 26 October 2023. Hosted by Vytautas Magnus University, this meeting formed part of WP2 and centered on exploring the EU’s historical commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. The event highlighted the European Green Deal as a central framework to combat climate change and engaged participants in discussions on civic participation, bioeconomy, and green initiatives at local and European levels.


From 31 January to 1 February 2024, the third international meeting was held in Agros, Cyprus. In this event, under the title ‘Green leaders in the environment approach’, the partners reflected on different ways to improve the involvement and awareness of citizens, especially minorities. During the two days of work, a Hackathon was held in working groups through which, with the mentoring of experts in each of the subjects, proposals and projects were developed. As a main conclusion, it is indispensable to highlight the need and urgency of involving minorities in the main current debates in Europe today: Green Deal, climate change, civic participation, radicalisation and extremism, etc. Therefore, the tools and ideas collected will be essential for the proper functioning of the project and to ensure that the participation of European citizens is increasingly transversal and inclusive.


From 9 to 12 April 2024, the 4th international event of the COGREENEU project  centered on empowering young Europeans to reflect and act on green transition and sustainability. The main activity, “Participative Workshop: The role of European citizens in the green transition and the European Green Deal,”was held on April 11. It focused on designing practical strategies to promote active citizenship aligned with the European Green Deal’s goals. This workshop brought together participants from various nationalities to discuss the role of European citizens in the green transition. It explored key concepts such as sustainability, European citizenship values, and the inclusion of minorities in civic life. By the end, participants developed practical measures to encourage civic engagement and environmental responsibility within local communities.


On 11 and 12 June 2024, the fifth international meeting of the COGREENEU project was held in Brussels. The event served to discuss crucial topics such as climate activism in the EU, the exchange of best practices in education, the implementation of green policies at municipal level and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), among many other issues. Participants also visited the European Parliament and explored the development of sustainable mobility policies and European LGTBIQ+ legislation.

This fifth international meeting of COGREENEU partners aimed to raise awareness of the main European policies and strategies on social inclusion and green transition, increase knowledge about European policy-making processes and improve understanding of how these policies and strategies influence local policies.

We have invited young people in Belgium to participate in a survey to know their opinions on the European Green Deal. The results will be published in 2025 on the COGREENEU project website.


On 6 and 7 November 2024, Athens hosted COGREENEU’s sixth international meeting to discuss green transition strategies and local implementation of the Green Deal.

In two days, we explored green jobs, sustainable skills, and community engagement with Organization Earth, which organised activities like the Global Goals Game and a multicultural hackathon for impactful climate action. Together, we prepared 100 meals for people in need and created a collaborative mural at Antonis Tritsis Park.


This final event, held in Altea from 4 to 7 February 2025, brought together 109 participants from across Europe and beyond to foster dialogue and collaboration on sustainable development, civic engagement, and the European Green Deal. Hosted by Ayuntamiento de Altea, the event involved multicultural activities, workshops, and interactive sessions over four days.

This project is part of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme. This programme aims to protect and promote the rights and values enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in particular by supporting civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and transnational level. Project number 101081257