European network of inclusive and sustainable mobility professionals

Responsible Young Drivers Vlaanderen and RYD Wallonie-Bruxelles, together with Fundacion Bancaria Ibercaja (Spain) and project coordinator Wimoov (France), have created a European network of inclusive and sustainable mobility professionals within this Erasmus+ KA210-VET project. This means a better knowledge among partners, a better knowledge of the ecosystems and practices of inclusive and sustainable mobility in each country, and the definition of a common frame of reference in this field.

Activity 1: Immersive trip to Paris: presentation of Wimoov’s activities and exchange of practices on inclusive mobility

On 20 September 2023, Wimoov presented its activities, its  history, its challenges and its impact on sustainable mobility. At the end of the morning, Thibault Guérin presented the “Baromètre des Mobilités du Quotidien”, an essential advocacy tool for understanding mobility practices in France. During the discussions, it was noted that the issues raised by the Barometer are similar in Belgium and Spain. The afternoon was devoted to hands-on immersion in a mobility platform in the Ile-de-France region (Vanves, 92). This was an opportunity to understand how Wimoov works in practice on the ground.

On 21 September 2023, the members of the consortium took part in the Inclusive Mobility Day as part of European Mobility Week. Responsible Young Drivers and Fundacion Ibercaja made presentations on mobility in Belgium and Spain during the conference titled: ‘Mobility & Inclusion: How can we transform mobility in our territories in the future?’.

Activity 2: Immersive trip to Brussels: presentation of Responsible Young Drivers and exchange of practices on responsible mobility

On 27 and 28 November 2023, we hosted the second immersive trip in our offices in Brussels.

The first day, we presented our activities related to inclusive and sustainable mobility. We highlighted our 2 flagship events: the European Night Without Accident and the New Year’s Event.

During the afternoon, 2GO vzw, working with young people with fewer opportunities, presented the activities of their NGO. 2GO vzw supports them in obtaining their driving license by offering tailored guidance, training, and accessible educational tools focused on safe and responsible driving.

The second day, we presented our virtual reality simulators and all other tools to prevent distracted driving or driving under the influence of alcohol and other substances.

Activity 3: Immersive trip to Zaragoza, presentation of the activities of the Ibercaja Foundation, and exchanges of experience on the mobility of tomorrow

On 23 January 2024, the Ibercaja Foundation gave a presentation of the Foundation’s mission and activities, including a visit to the ‘Espacio Joven’: a centre for young people with modern facilities, offering cultural and educational activities for socio-professional integration

On 24 January 2024, the project partners visited “Mobility City”. This is a pioneering space dedicated to promoting innovation and knowledge around sustainable and intelligent mobility. It brings together companies, institutions, and the public to showcase and develop cutting-edge mobility solutions. Its role in the mobility of the future is to serve as a hub for collaboration, education, and experimentation, driving the transition toward cleaner, safer, and more efficient transportation systems.

Activity 4: Capitalizing on the 3 trips and defining a common framework for the mobility practices of vulnerable groups

By videoconference, 3 workshops on the themes covered were organized on 28, 29, and 30 May 2024. Each partner led a workshop based on its specific theme: Wimoov led the workshop on inclusive mobility, Responsible Young Drivers on responsible mobility, and the Ibercaja Foundation on the sustainable mobility of tomorrow.

This activity has enabled us to capitalize on what we have learnt from each immersive trip and to define common references to enable us to complete a survey of people’s mobility practices in each of the main partner countries.

There were two main obstacles to be overcome by this activity: a lack of knowledge of the different national ecosystems of inclusive mobility ecosystems in European countries (operation of socio-professional integration schemes; public, private and voluntary players in inclusive and sustainable governance and the legislative system for inclusive and sustainable mobility), and the lack of common indicators.

Activity 5: Final dissemination event and partner meeting in Paris

On 19 September 2024, the Inclusive Mobility Day during the European Mobility Week, Wimoov organized the final dissemination event. Hosted in Paris by SNCF, the project consortium presented the EU-NISMOP results to participants from 65 legal entities. 

On 20 September 2024, the French and Belgian project partners were invited to a final day of exchanges and closure of the project. We wanted to enhance this moment of reflection with a visit to the permanent exhibition ‘Climate Urgency’ at Cité des sciences et de l’industrie.