Responsible Young Drivers Vlaanderen, a youth NGO active in Belgium, promotes road safety and sustainable green mobility towards youth.
We participate in European projects, such as Erasmus+ and CERV, to achieve this goal.
Our OID is E10178269 and our PIC is 930314391.
We are proud coordinator or partner of these projects :
European network of inclusive and sustainable mobility professionals
(01/09/2023 – 31/12/2024)
EU-NISMOP, the European network of inclusive and sustainable mobility professionals, aims to increase the skills of inclusive and sustainable mobility professionals, by bringing together the conditions necessary for the creation of a European network, in order to share knowledge, skills and support practices that promote the mobility of vulnerable groups facing social and professional insertion difficulties.
COGREENEU (20/03/2023 – 19/03/2025)
Project number: 101081257
COGREENEU aims to involve citizens and communities in debates and actions related to our climate and environment by creating spaces for transnational activities, workshops and events where ideas and decisions on environmental sustainability can be put into practice. The results of the project are based on the SDGs framed in the 2030 Agenda. COGREENEU is funded by the European Union under the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme’s call for the promotion of citizen participation
BE A HERO (01/09/2019 – 30/06/2022)
The essence of the BE A HERO project is to empower the youth sector and to strengthen the quality work of youth workers. Together with the youth sector we want to address the problem of drink driving by youngsters.
The main objective of this seminar, that is part of the European Mobility Week 2019, is to start by presenting the different practices and experiences that are developed within the participating organizations. This project is part of the MOBILITY CITY project, an international initiative promoted by the Ibercaja Foundation that aims to create a space for the promotion of mobility, its development and innovation.
STARS (1/12/2018 – 31/08/2020)
STARS (Safer Traffic and improved well-being for young people through Advanced Road Safety prevention) aims to embrace the potential of next generation virtual reality technologies in an effort to address the overrepresentation of young people in road crashes by focusing on a problem of European concern such as young people’s drink/drug-cycling behaviour.
VAST (1/7/2017 – 31/12/2018)
VAST (Virtual reality and real volunteers for Advancing Safer Traffic participation for young people) aims to embrace the potential of next generation virtual reality technologies in an effort to address the overrepresentation of young people in road crashes by focusing on a problem of European concern such as young people’s drink/drug-driving behaviour.

CONNECTING FOR YOUTH ROAD SAFETY (01/08/2016 – 31/12/2016)
The project “Connecting for youth road safety” involves 15 youth workers from Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Belgium. This contact making seminar was organized between 11 and 15 October 2016 in Celje. We have connected and exchanged experiences of organizations and youth workers that work in the field of road safety (disabled – traffic accident victims and other youth workers).